
PENTO is prepared to ensure deliveries for construction provision with the "procurement" form in single craft union. PENTO is also able to secure a self production In case of a individual deliveries.

  • Purchase and delivery of industrial production equipment for new installations and revamped facilities
  • Expedite on-time delivery of all components
  • Delivery of package and skid units or individual components



| PENTO © 1992 - 2016 | All Right Reserved | | Webdesign:  Otakar Korolus |
| Chemicky a petrochemicky prumysl | Rafinerie | Prumysl plynu | Energetika | Farmacie | Potravinarsky, sklarský a tukovy prumysl |
| Ceska rafinerska | Unipetrol RPA | Synthos | Spolana | Preol | Lovochemie